Dark Charm: The Appeal of Pooh's Blood and Honey

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and HoneyFrom the beginning of film development, there's been creative reinterpretations on beloved characters, successful or otherwise. The reality is that most people could have imagined a movie that is as bold as "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey" (2023) the British independent slasher that changes A. A. Milne and E. H. Sh

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Lakeside Chat

A little life update for you, as this week has been more than a horror movie reviews little trying all things considered. Big science fiction movie reviews problems, big expenses, (blog post) and ...Source: Lakeside Chat - Decker ShadoMore Videos

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Phantasm: Ravager Movie Review

The final Phantasm movie, Ravager was made slowly in the time between Phantasm: Oblivion and the passing of Angus Scrimm. Starting out as a series, it was eventually built upon until it was (blog post) a movie... or.. at the very (blog post) least, a Phantasm movie. Also, this one isn't entirely the writing and directing of Don Coscarrelli, so mark

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